SELF HEAL – Edible weed seeds NZ
SELF HEAL – Edible weed seeds NZ
Buy Self Heal edible weeds seeds NZ –
Want to know how to identify Self Heal for foraging?
Grow your own Self Heal edible weeds from seed, and get to know this edible weed and herb!
Self Heal, a relative of the mint family, grows like a ground cover, with creeping stems which can grow into dense mats.
Mature plants form small purple flowers, on spikes that can grow to 20cm.
Self Heal is a bee favorite, and is and edible herb for people also. It is regarded for its herbal benefits, which are reflected in it’s name.
The leaves can be eaten in salads, the flowers as an edible flower, as well as used in tinctures, teas and poultices.
Self Heal edible weed seeds NZ:
This pack of Self Heal seeds contains 50 seeds in a composable zip-lock bag, along with instructions to sow.
Also includes a plant specific info sheet; with planting tips, growing care, flowering / harvest seasons.
Early Spring or early Autumn - HARVEST TIME:
Self Heal grows throughout the year. Identify them with their flower spikes through the Spring and Summer months, and then pick leaves when needed. - CLIMATE:
Self Heal thrives in the warmer months and will flower from summer through to early Autumn. - BOTANICAL NAME:
Prunella vulgaris - TYPE:
Open pollinated - LIFECYCLE
Buy Self Heal edible weed seeds NZ, and download our free Garden Journal: Plants & Seeds Record and create a booklet to paste/keep your seed info in one place.
10 in stock