Calendula – edible flower seeds NZ


Calendula – edible flower seeds NZ


Buy Calendula seeds NZ

These calendula seeds are sourced from Nana’s garden where she has been growing them for 30 years.
A blend of old fashioned Calendula Nova and other variegated colours.

A joyful flower to have in the garden and the benefits go beyond Calendulas beautiful presence:

  • Calendula flowers are edible – can be used in salads or teas
  • Medicinal – can be made into an infusion in oil or water to heal skin
  • Feed bees and butterfly’s – providing nectar for our important nsect friends
  • Beautiful burst of colour in the summer or winter garden – can grow year round in teh right conditions.
  • Cut flower – can display in a vase
  • Companion planting – to deter insects away from vegetable plants
  • Encourage pollinators to your garden

This Calendula seeds NZ seed pack contains 30 seeds in composable zip-lock bag with instructions to sow.
Plus a plant specific info sheet; with planting tips, growing care, fruiting / harvest seasons.

    Early Spring & Early Summer.
    Harvest flower heads throughout summer if drying. Piking flowersheads encourages the plant to produce more flowers.
    Grow through the summer months, planting in compost rich, free draining soil in a North facing, sunny site. Stake or tie plants where needed. Can grow in some areas through winter, but harvesting flowers (longer drying time) becomes less ideal.
    Calendula officinalis
  • TYPE:
    Open pollinated


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