Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit – New Zealand Beeswax


Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit – New Zealand Beeswax


Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit – these are a delight to make and our family adore hand rolling our own candles.

You can make your own beeswax candles with this Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit.
They are easy for children or adults to create, they make beautiful handmade gifts,
The ritual of lighting these at nightly mealtimes can bring something special to the table.

The sheets are made from NZ beeswax, with the soft fragrance of honey. They come in a natural yellow colour,


We often roll these candles together as a family. It is a lovely activity to roll your candles as you celebrate special times of the year –

  • For Matariki, remembering loved ones who have passed.
  • For Christmas, celebrating the advent with a wreath and candles, or use with Christmas table decorations.
  • Make smaller candles for birthdays, anniversaries, seasonal solstice or equinox, or full/new moon celebrations.
  • These candles can be a lovely addition to include in a Waldorf birthday ring, or birthday cake.


Our Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit contains:

  • 4 sheets of beeswax approx 200mm x 200mm.
  • Approx 1 metre of cotton candle wick.
  • Includes instructions How roll Beeswax Candles, guiding you to easily make 4 – 8 beautiful beeswax candles.
  • Makes 4 long taper candles, or cut the sheets in half to make 8 shorter candles.
    Alternatively, the candles could  be rolled thinly to make into smaller beeswax candles for birthday cakes.
  • Candles burn for approx 2-4 hours each, depending on the thickness, or length you make.
  • The wax sheets in the Beeswax Candle Rolling are made from 100% pure New Zealand beeswax.


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