Matariki Activities and Crafts for kids

Matariki Activities and Crafts for kids

Looking for some Matariki activities and crafts for kids?

These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting. They would also be wonderful resource for Matariki celebrations in the library, in a community group, or even in a rest home setting.

The list below offers some tried and true Matariki activity and craft ideas that we have been doing for years. I hope you find something to enhance your Matariki celebrations.



Matariki activities and crafts for kids:

matariki celebration ideas


Matariki paper lanterns are an easy craft activity and make an effective display. They can stand on a table top or seasonal nature table display, or string them together to hang along a wall or window. You could string some fairly lights too for a magical touch.

Learn how to make Matariki lanterns! >>
Or – download the Matariki Lantern resource on TPT >>

matariki kite for kids


This Matariki paper kite is fun to make and play for kids of all ages. It is simple to create, and easy to fly, making it suitable even for young children.

Learn how to make a simple Matariki kite >>
View Matariki paper kite resource on TPT >>

Weave harakeke flax star - Harakeke weaving for kids


This harakeke star is lovely to make at Matariki – made out of NZ flax, these stars are simple to make and can be hung as a mobile, placed on a nature table, a window or Matariki wall display; or scatter on the table around a hakari (feast).

As Harakeke is a firmer material to work with, young children could also make with paper strips which fold and hold easier, which could then be glued to a background to display.

Be sure to learn about safe harvesting and tikanga including karakia for Harakeke.

Learn how to weave a Matariki star from harakeke / flax >>
View Matariki Harakeke / flax star instructions on TPT >>

matariki activity book - download and print for your classroom or homeschool


This 66 page bundle of Matariki craft activities is designed for tamariki, their whānau and kaiako (teachers); making it a great resource in a classroom or homeschool setting.

This downloadable, printable Matariki Activity Booklet includes:
– Craft activities
– Kai recipies
– Traditional Maori games
– Waiata
– Pepeha template
– Matariki colouring pages
– Matariki wall displays.

View Matariki Activity Book / printable resource >>

Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit


We often roll these candles together as a family. It is a lovely activity to roll your candles as you celebrate special times of the year, especially during Matariki, a mindful act, making and remembering loved ones who have passed.
View rolled beeswax candle kit >>

How to cut harakeke flax
Weave Harakeke star - - Harakeke weaving for kids


This harakeke whetu has 8 points and is great for older children and adults to learn to make. This can also be made out of paper, but there is magic in working with harakeke / nz flax at Matariki time.

This whetu is part of the Harakeke Nature Journal booklet which includes information about safe harvesting and tikanga including karakia for Harakeke.

View Harakeke Nature Journal resource >>

maori rewena bread recipe


Parāoa Parai / Fry Bread is a heart nourishing treat. that remains in the memories of those who eat it. It can be served with a hearty soup, boil up, hangi, roast dinner, or even drizzled with golden syrup. Children can help measure out the flour, and cut the dough, but perhaps not the mixing at it requires very minimal kneading with aim to form a sticky dough and keep the soft fluffy texture. You can find the recipe online here, or download a printable copy to frame or keep in your Matariki celebration kete or cookbook.

View Fry bread recipe on TPT >>

Matariki teaching resources


A sand light box is simple to make, using a large plastic container with clear or white lid, place a torch inside and add some sand to the top, and get creative in a darkened out room. Children can create drawings and patterns or stories in the sand. This is how my daughter learnt to draw a 5 pointed star, tracing it out with her finger. There are some beautiful, creative videos on YouTube you can view for story inspiration.
View sand art Matariki story >>

Matariki teaching resources


Relevant at the time of Matariki, and indeed across all months of the year, this calendar is designed to help children to learn about the maramataka. Includes Māori days, months and seasons of the year with Southern Hemisphere seasonal illustrations.
View Matariki calendar / marakataka resource >>


Make this sensory playdough for young children including glitter (biodegradable is best!). Colour it black, navy or purple, or why not make all three and they can blend together. Pair with star shaped cutters for extra fun, or why not lay them out in the same format as the Matariki constellation. This activity is great time to read out Matariki stories or share waiata naming each Matariki star. It is important to be aware that in te ao Maori, food is considered sacred, so making your own playdough from flour may or may not be appropriate. From an environmental perspective it is better to make it that buy it in little plastic pots. Reflect on what feels right for you and your circumstance.
View bio glitter supplier >>


A list of ideas using digital technologies to engage students to create works as they celebrate and learn about Matariki
View Matariki digital technology ideas >>

So there you have it, our list of Matariki craft ideas and activities for kids.

I’d love to hear what you do or make, please share in the comments below!

Want more Matariki inspo?

Here are more resources you should know about:

MATARIKI CELEBRATION IDEAS – Here are some Matariki celebration ideas to do to create meaning and tradition with tamariki and whanau.

MAORI DAYS OF THE WEEK RESOURCE – This FREE te reo Māori Seasons, Months & Days of the Week printable for teachers that explains further the Maori units of time.

MARAMATAKA RESOURCE FOR SCHOOLS (+ discount) – Teach tamariki about te reo Maori calendar, the maramataka, with this Maramataka calendar for kids.   Use the code: ‘ WINTER2024 ‘ to get it for $26!

MAORI DAYS / MONTHS / SEASONS FLASHCARD RESOURCE – This flashcard resource can be printed, cut and laminated for daily class use. Comes free with the maramataka calendar for kids.

NATURE HUNTS IN TE REO (+ ENGLISH) – Seasonal nature hunts for NZ primary kids, ECE, outside learning, forest school. Learn te reo kupu (words) as you hunt.

Make sure you check out these Matariki celebration ideas, download your FREE te reo Māori Seasons teacher resource.


And follow along on facebook and instagram for inspo, links, and even waiata!


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What is the Harvest Moon?

When is the Harvest Moon? The Harvest Moon is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.Northern Hemisphere farmers used the extra light after sunset to continue harvesting...

Make a Harakeke (NZ Flax) Star

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Looking for some Wiki o te reo Māori / Māori language week activities for kids? These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or...
What is the Harvest Moon?

What is the Harvest Moon?

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Make a Harakeke (NZ Flax) Star

Make a Harakeke (NZ Flax) Star

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Grab the te reo Māori calendar for $18!
The perfect maramataka introduction for school or ECE.
Includes Māori days, months and seasons of the year.
~ USUAL PRICE: $32 ~
Grab calendar for $18!
The perfect maramataka introduction for school or ECE.
Includes Māori days, months and seasons of the year.