Maramataka Maori calendar

Links to maramataka Māori calendars to assist deeper learning:
Printed or digital maramataka wall planner calendars, wananga + daily kōrero on whaea Heeni Hotorene’s social media.
Printed maramataka Māori resources including calendars and astronomy books that expand on maramataka (lunar calendar) knowledge to explain how the stars and seasons were charted, giving name to Māori months of the year. Insightful kōrero on matua Rangi Matamua’s social media.
Gives some history and explanation of the maramataka Māori calendar and the Māori division of time.
Digital maramataka Māori calendar and tools.
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Localised observations and printed maramataka Māori calendar within my rohe / district of Whangaroa.
I strongly encourage seeking kōrero on maramataka in your local area.
Maramataka Maori calendar
The Māori lunar calendar is called the Maramataka, which translates to the turning of the moon.
It observes the phases of the marama/moon in a lunar month, which is how days and months were measured before the introduction of the Gregorian solar based calendar in predominant use today.
Traditional Māori lived in tune with the cycles and rhythms of the natural world around them. Their observations acknowledged the influence of each moon phase within the lunar month, beginning at each new moon.
They were aware of the connection between the moon and our well being, the influence on our energy levels and that of the māra/garden and moana/ocean, and how to work with these times for optimal gardening and fishing.
Connection to these cycles inspires our own daily rhythms and pulls me to deepen my own learning and observations.
Paitu’s Seasonal Wheel is a perpetual calendar is designed to compliment the maramataka / Māori lunar based calendar. We offer it as a starting point, a bridge between calendars. It contains illustrations to encourage tamariki (and adults!) to visually engage and assist with daily learning of days / months / seasons in te reo Māori.
The mita / dialect used in the Seasonal Wheel is based on NZ’s Ministry of Education resources.
It is not iwi / tribe specific, however it is important to note that there are a number of variations to the kupu / words depending on iwi location and observations.
There is much more richness and depth to this than I have transposed here, so please consider this a starting point and dive deeper into your own, preferably local, learning!
Many thanks to Heeni Hotorene, Robyn Tauora and Thomas Hawtin for their kōrero contributing to the Seasonal Wheel.
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Te reo Māori seasons, months, days
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