Maramataka calendar for schools

Maramataka calendar for schools

What is the Maramataka calendar?

Many schools and ECE’s in NZ are taking interest in the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar.


Maramataka translates to the turning of the moon. It observes the phases of marama (the moon) within in a lunar month. This is how days and months were measured, in Māori culture and many other cultures around the world, before the introduction of the Gregorian (solar based) calendar in use today.

The maramataka was used to guide planting, harvesting, fishing, and hunting.


Why use Maramataka for schools?

Maramataka is already used in schools, kura and ece throughout Aoteraroa.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Acknowledging cultural insight and commitment to one another under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
  • Maramataka brings te reo Maori and Te Ao Māori aspects into every day use.
  • Planning according to the energy of the moon phase. The full moon is a productive time, the new moon is a reflective time.
    There are times to grow seeds and ideas, times for optimal communication. These considerations can help optimise planning at certain times.
  • Tamariki , kaiako, and whanau can observe and track how the lunar cycle affects their energy, mood, and work, as well as observe changes in their environment.
  • Maramataka encourages us to observe our surroundings, invites seasonal and self reflection, and promotes environmental connection.



Maramataka for schools teaching resource

Maramataka calendar for schools – flashcard teaching resource.



How can the Maramataka calendar be used in schools?

Below are ways that we can apply maramataka to our school life and use it as a teaching tool for our tamariki.

  • During Classroom morning roll call:
    Speak the date with the class in te reo Māori – while encouraging a child to interact.
    This can be done through spoken word, flashcards, or turning the  te reo Māori perpetual calendar wheels, changing it to today’s date.
  • During ECE Mat time: 
    Young children thrive on daily rhythms and routines – introduce the perpetual calendar at mat time, view the illustrations while speaking of the seasons and months.
  • Create a nature table space:
    Bring the environment inside with a nature table space in the classroom or ece. Include the maramataka here also to discuss the moon phase and seasons.
  • During Homeschool rhythms:
    Simply include in your brekkie time or morning tea chats – change the date, speak of the Maori days of the week, Months and Seasons as you begin your day.
    The whole family learns together.
  • For personal development:
    This Calendar is Illustrated with tamariki in mind – which also means it is simple enough for teachers or parents to learn with ease!
    Be sure to change the calendar daily, speak it out loud and you will learn the kupu (words) for the Māori months in no time.
  • Using song:
    Yes, sing it! Whether you are preschool child, primary child, or child at heart; learning with song can help integrate language based learning’s and help make them stick.
    > Click here for some waiata (more coming soon!)

Illustrated maramataka for schools

Illustrated maramataka calendar for schools –


Why use our illustrated Maramataka calendar for schools?

Teach the Maramataka and the Māori months in your classroom with the help of our NZ Seasonal Perpetual Calendar.

  • Bring language to life:
    No boring printouts or worksheets, the interactive circular design of our NZ Seasonal Perpetual Calendar brings language to life as a daily calendar in an interactive wheel format.
  • Helps to understand the maramataka, months, and seasons, visually:
    Consider this a bridge between the Maori lunar calendar (maramataka) and the commonly used calendar (Gregorian calendar).
    This teaching resource connects with children visually, displaying changes in the environment, through each lunar month and our Southern Hemisphere seasons.
    > VIEW ILLUSTRATED MARAMATAKA: Te reo Māori Seasonal Perpetual Calendar
  • First learn the Maori months:
    The Maori month names do not directly translate to the Gregorian calendar months.
    This can  be a new, sometimes tricky, concept for tamariki, teachers, and whanau initially.
    Once Maori month names are understood, this knowledge can then be built upon.
  • Calendar includes two free teaching tools:
    Our te reo Māori Seasonal Perpetual Calendar comes with two free downloadable, printable resources to deepen learning and understanding for children and their teachers.
    > VIEW FLASHCARDS: Māori days of the week, months and seasons This is a teaching resource that can be printed, cut and laminated for daily class use.
    > VIEW RESOURCE: Te reo Māori Seasons, Months & Days of the Week – This included, printable resource explains the Maori units of time; as well as pronunciation for days, months and seasons.
  • Simply integrate in your day:
    Pin it to the wall or whiteboard, make time for it in your daily morning routine.


View our illustrated maramataka calendar, and help children learn about Maori days and months.


Bulk orders

If you are a ECE, School, or Homeschool group, please talk to me about bulk purchases.
I’d love to support your tamariki’s learning with a discounted rate!

Contact me about bulk orders here: Click to email about bulk ordering


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Grab the te reo Māori calendar for $18!
The perfect maramataka introduction for school or ECE.
Includes Māori days, months and seasons of the year.
~ USUAL PRICE: $32 ~
Grab calendar for $18!
The perfect maramataka introduction for school or ECE.
Includes Māori days, months and seasons of the year.