Maori Language Week activities for kids

Maori Language Week activities for kids

Sep 2024 | Learning resources

Looking for some Wiki o te reo Māori / Māori language week activities for kids?

These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting. They would also be wonderful resources for Maori Language Week activities in the library, or in a community group.

The list below offers a selection of free and low-cost resources and activities for kids that are fun and engaging. I hope you find something to enhance your learning during Maori Language week (and beyond).



Maori Language Week activities for kids:

music for ece nz


Music is a fabulous and memorable way to learn Māori kupu (words) and practice pronunciation. This downloadable Māori Waiata Printable contains translation so tamariki can connect kupu to their memory, and ukulele and guitar chords to play along.
Here’s a list of some of our favourites for ECE and primary aged children (and their big people).
View Waiata printable for tamariki >>


Matariki teaching resources


Offers links to a variety of other resources, posters, and merchandise, plus more ideas for learning and speaking te reo Māori.
Go Visit Wiki o te reo Māori for resources and ideas >>




Downloadable Maramataka calendar


This Maramataka is designed with te reo Māori months, seasons and days of the week, helping to bring these kupu / words into every day use.

It is available as a instant download to craft and assemble, making it a great Maori Language Week Activities for kids. 

With illustrations unique to Aotearoa, this maramataka can be downloaded, printed and coloured and cut to create your own personalised Maramataka perpetual calendar.
Just pin in the centre to transform it to an interactive circular calendar, then your learning too is ready to use! Kids notice seasonal observations and rhythms while learning te reo Māori.


View Maramataka for kids printable resource >>
Or – download on the TPT store >>

Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit


Get outside the classroom in the spring weather and invite tamariki on a nature treasure hunt. They’ll delight as they seek out the nature around them and learn these te reo Maori kupu as they go.

Crafty tamariki will enjoy colouring their own nature hunts, or a full colour version included for kids that are ready to get out there!

View NZ nature hunts – kōanga / spring >>
Also available on the TPT Store >>

Matariki teaching resources


Look up words that you use frequently and change them out for te reo Māori. Tamariki can search online via the website, or option to download an app.
Visit the Te Aka Māori dictionary >>


How to cut harakeke flax


There is magic in working with our hands while learning, and working with harakeke / NZ flax offers many Maori Language Week activities for tamariki.
While they weave, they can learn more about tikanga, karakia, the kupu (words) used in weaving. This booklet is intended as an introduction to weaving harakeke, designed for tamariki, their whānau and kaiako (teachers), with info on dying harakeke, the tool kete, and little projects to try.

View Harakeke Nature Journal resource >>
Also available on the TPT Store >>

NZ maramataka for school and ece


Tamariki love turning the ‘wheels’ to select each new te reo Māori days, months and seasons, making it a simple effective daily routine, and the perfect maramataka introduction for school or ECE.
Free, printable flash cards help to turn words into sentences, and also comes with a guide for kaiako (teachers) and whanau, to deepen learning about the traditional maramataka.
View Seasonal Te Reo Māori Maramataka >>

Matariki teaching resources


Practice your hellos and goodbyes using te reo Maori kupu, and let this extend beyond the week.
Visit the interative te reo Māori greeting and farewells resource >>


Maori games at matariki


Download and print this resource to learn about and play Māori games during Te Wiki or te reo Māori, or at Matariki.
Great for a classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting.
Instructions on how to make a Poi, make and play Ti Rakau (stick games), and links how to play Whai (string games).

View Māori Games printable >>
Also available on the TPT Store >



Maori games at matariki


Knowing how to introduce yourself (Mihi) in a group or on the marae is an important skill.

It is not a ‘one size fits all’ introduction – there are different pepeha for peoples of Māori descent, for Pakeha, and for Taiiwi (visitors). Learn about the reasons for this, and make a start on learning one that encapsulates you, while remaining culturally appropriate.

This simple pepeha is a great start for Tamariki >>
Also available on the TPT Store >>



Matariki teaching resources


Offering a karakia kai,or meal blessing, is a way to give thanks for our food. We are so lucky to have the meals we do. How often do we pause and reflect on this?
Learning a karakia in te reo Māori can be a lovely mealtime ritual, and learning some kupu is a bonus.
Here is a karakia in waita format that tamariki can learn >>




I hope you found this list useful and found some suitable resources for your Maori language week activities for kids.

I’d LOVE to hear what you do with your tamariki – please share and inspire us in the comments below!

Want more inspo?

Here are more resources you should know about:

MAORI DAYS OF THE WEEK RESOURCE – This FREE te reo Māori Seasons, Months & Days of the Week printable for teachers that explains further the Maori units of time.

MARAMATAKA RESOURCE FOR SCHOOLS (+ discount) – Teach tamariki about te reo Maori calendar, the maramataka, with this Maramataka calendar for kids.

MAORI DAYS / MONTHS / SEASONS FLASHCARD RESOURCE – This flashcard resource can be printed, cut and laminated for daily class use. Comes free with the maramataka calendar for kids.

NATURE HUNTS IN TE REO (+ ENGLISH) – Seasonal nature hunts for NZ primary kids, ECE, outside learning, forest school. Learn te reo kupu (words) as you hunt.

MATARIKI CELEBRATION IDEAS – Here are some Matariki celebration ideas to do to create meaning and tradition with tamariki and whanau.

Make sure you check out these Matariki celebration ideas, download your FREE te reo Māori Seasons teacher resource.


And follow along on facebook and instagram for inspo, links, and even waiata!


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Matariki Activities and Crafts for kids

Looking for some Matariki activities and crafts for kids? These activities are designed for tamariki, making them great in the school classroom, ECE, or homeschool setting. They would also be wonderful resource for Matariki celebrations in the library, in a community...

Matariki teaching resources

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Here are some teaching resources for Matariki to deepen learning for tamariki (children), kaiako (teachers), and whanau (family) in the classroom, ece, or homeschool setting. We embrace this opportunity to learn of te Ao Māori at any time, and during Matariki learning...


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