Creating a New Moon Intentions Ritual

Creating a New Moon Intentions Ritual

New Moon Intentions Ritual

Through the ages people’s around the world have observed and connected to the energy of the moon as she travels through her phases from dark to light and back again. In each of the moon phases lies an opportune time to work with moon’s energetic influence – cue New Moon Intentions Ritual.

Alongside the moons gravitational, tidal and cosmic influences; the practice of connecting in with the new moon and full moon presents a beautiful opportunity to anchor through natures cycles.

It is strangely grounding to be looking to the sky, observing the moon; yet experiencing a sense of centered-ness, intentionally anchoring into yourself, in alignment with the moon’s phase.

Each phase offers different energetic qualities – though beginning with just two, the New Moon, and the Full Moon – is a powerful place to start.


So how to do we intentionally anchor into and harness the energy of these moon phases?

Creating a simple new moon intentions ritual is something anyone can do, whether you prefer to do on your own, or with a circle of friends.


A guide to creating a New moon intentions ritual

The New Moon, also called the Dark Moon; is the beginning of the lunar cycle and a time of potential.

As the moon begins a new cycle, it is the perfect time to align your energy with your goals and focus on what you want to achieve.

In this dark phase, we draw inward making it a good time to:
– Acknowledge the beginning of a cycle, a clean slate
– Sow seeds of intention that you wish to cultivate
– Take action on ideas through the lunar month, manifesting your desires

Below are some ideas to guide you through creating a ceremony or ritual for New Moon intention setting.

New Moon intentions ritual


How to create a new moon intentions ritual:


1. Create a sacred time and space

  • Make time and space in your day to connect to the new moon.
  • Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • This can be indoors or outdoors; during the dark hours, dawn or light of day.
  • Using objects to set the space can help – include nature items such as flowers, feathers, shells, or leaves to decorate or make a mandala; a deck of oracle or affirmation cards; place candles; crystals and cushions – to help create a meaningful space.

2. Open your new moon intentions ritual

There are several ways to begin your New moon intentions ritual. Choose what feels right for you:

  • Light a candle – this can be blown out at the end to close the ritual.
  • Light some incense – offering the smoke up to the moon, with gratitude.
  • Light a smudge stick – waft the smoke over your body, the room, or outdoor space to clear energy, creating a clean slate or fresh start.
  • Use a crystal wand – crystals such as Selenite can be used to ‘comb’ over the body, to clear energy. Similarly, holding a crystal in your hand can help clear energy before you begin.
  • Offer thanks – to the moon and the universe, the ancestors that support your journey.
  • Begin with a Karakia/Prayer, a Waiata/Song, or some Aum chanting if these feel appropriate.

3. Still yourself, become present

  1. Take a few deep breaths and centre yourself.
  2. Sit quietly for a few moments, settle the body. Become aware of your posture, and of your natural breath.
  3. Allow each inhale to bring you into the present moment, and each exhale to release thoughts that prevent you from being completely here now.
  4. Allow each inhale to expand and draw you deeper into the present moment.
  5. Allow each exhale to relax and let go of what you don’t need.
  6. Acknowledge yourself for committing to your inner growth, honor that you are creating time and space for yourself and your new moon ritual.

4. Set your new moon intention

  • Take time to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life. Write these intentions in a moon journal or on a piece of paper, dating your entry so you have this to reflect on during the lunar month.
  • View Paitu’s simple, beautiful Moon Intention Journal that you can download to print and use today!
  • It is important to use positive language, making a point to focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want.

5. Meditate on your new moon intention

  1. Close your eyes and visualize your intentions as though they are already in your life.
  2. Imagine, with feeling, how it your life looks if you were living as though your intentions are already manifest.
  3. Take time to visualise yourself living this life – going into the details, really intensify the feelings.
  4. Your indicator you are doing this right is if you are experiencing feelings of happiness, success, fulfillment, and health through the visualisation.

6. Inward listening

  • Sit in stillness for a short while and listen to any thoughts or inspirations that emerge. What bubbles up? Take note of these.

7. Be moved into action

  • Review what steps you can take to support growth and expression in your life. This will be your action list, inspired from best intentions, allowing you to take small steps to manifest that which you desire.
  • What can I do to begin?
    What could I try?
    What are you guided to create?
    What are you guided to start?
    Write these down and action them, one by one.

8. Trust

  • Hold a sense of trust that the universe will guide you towards your new moon intentions.
  • This also means you need to listen out for inspirations, that you can turn to action, to make your intentions manifest.

9. New Moon Affirmation

  • Reflect on an affirmation that you can call to mind to help you for this lunar month. Write this down, and keep it somewhere that you can refer to it daily.
  • As you repeat your affirmation, ask the universe to support you in manifesting your new moon intentions.

10. Close your New Moon intentions ritual

How you opened your New Moon intentions ritual can reflect how you close it:

  • Blow out your candle.
  • Snuff out your incense.
  • Draw a card from an oracle deck.
  • Offer thanks to the moon and the universe, the ancestors that support your journey.
  • Close with a Karakia/Prayer, a Waiata/Song, or some Aum chanting if these feel appropriate.


Then through the month …

  • Keep your writings in a special place where you can look at them daily to remind yourself of your intentions and where you are heading.
  • The lunar cycle naturally follows an energetic rhythm through each phase. Through the month you may find things arise that don’t fit with your intentions – consider these teaching tool, an opportunity to surrender, and remain focused.
  • Staying aligned with your intention is the clearest path to manifest and attract what you want into your life.
  • Take the time each New Moon cycle to connect in and hold reverence. Reflect and revise your past intentions and review how things progress.
  • Creating a Full Moon Ritual is a great mid-lunar-cycle time to check in and review your New Moon Intentions. The full moon is a natural point of high energy and an opportune time to celebrate and hold gratitude for the steps on your journey.


Honor yourself in the creation process of your life. As you take time to manifest your intentions you are also anchoring into natures cycles, connecting in with a timeless universal rhythm.

I hope your New Moon intention rituals are accompanied by feelings of upliftment, richness and positivity which flow through your life as your intentions become manifest xx




moon journal printable download

Mindful Moon journal printable

This Moon Intention Journal is designed to be downloaded and printed, supporting your monthly New Moon intentions ritual and manifestation.

Easily journal your new moon intentions AND full moon intentions with this simple, beautiful printable.

Anchor into the rhythm of the lunar cycle.
Download today and get started!


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