by PaituAdmin | May 2023 | Learning resources, Māori Seasons, Maramataka, NZ Homeschool Resources
Māori days of the week, months and seasons – How to learn and teach Learning te reo Māori (or any language, or any skill…) becomes easier the more we practice. Which means we have to practice often, and the most effective way to do this is to speak...
by PaituAdmin | Mar 2022 | Autumn, Garden kids, Learning resources, Māori Seasons, Nature kids, New Zealand Seasons, Seasons and Cycles
What is the Autumnal Equinox? The Autumnal Equinox marks a shift in the seasons, a time when day and night are near equal length, and is celebrated in many cultures throughout the world. Equinoxes happen only twice per year, in Autumn and in Spring.While it is Autumn...
by PaituAdmin | Feb 2022 | Autumn, Garden kids, Māori Seasons, Nature kids, New Zealand Seasons, NZ Forest School Resources, NZ Homeschool Resources, Seasons and Cycles
Seasons of Aotearoa : Autumn Nature Hunt Ngahuru / Autumn offers up such a visual account of how the seasons change and an opportune time to talk to our tamariki about the seasons. A magnificent display of autumn leaves will soon colour the landscape on our land and...
by PaituAdmin | Dec 2021 | Learning resources, Māori Seasons, Maramataka, Seasons and Cycles
MARAMATAKA + TE REO MĀORI Maramataka Maori calendar Links to maramataka Māori calendars to assist deeper learning: or digital maramataka wall planner calendars, wananga + daily kōrero on whaea Heeni Hotorene’s social media....
by PaituAdmin | Nov 2021 | Autumn, Māori Seasons, Nature kids, New Zealand Seasons, Seasons and Cycles, Spring, Summer, Winter
Daily walks. That’s how it all began. Having a high energy, young pup, we had an obligation to walk him and let that energy out somewhere. Building an earth house at the time left us little energy ourselves for those walks, but we did – exhausted or not, rain or...
by PaituAdmin | Aug 2021 | Learning resources, Māori Seasons, Maramataka, Matariki
What is the Maramataka calendar? Many schools and ECE’s in NZ are taking interest in the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar. Maramataka translates to the turning of the moon. It observes the phases of marama (the moon) within in a lunar month. This is...