Advent calendar activities

Advent calendar activities

Printable advent calendar activities.

Nanny gave the kids this strung-stocking advent calendar a few years back.

What I love is the idea of having little note inside each stocking, inviting us to do something special, connecting together each day through the month.
I’ll likely add a sweet tucked in for (easy) dessert.

What I don’t love how its is an extra thing to do at an already busy time of the year.
It is easier to do these daily activities as the year winds up; once all the activities, prize-givings and parties finish.

But if I can hold even a small space for this, I know the kids treasure it and remember it.

With a bit of planning, we can place easy activities on the busy nights, or adapt them for classroom use (imagine the joy!) and the ones needing more time, or effort, on the other nights!


Feel inspired? Read on, or even download our printable advent calendar activities list…

  • Put on Christmas pajamas
  • Make up a Christmas story
  • Invite a friend for a Christmas tea party
  • Collect pine cones or flowers to decorate the tree or table
  • Get out the Christmas ornaments or toys
  • Pick out some pre-loved toys, in good condition, to donate
  • Get some Christmas jokes and take turns reading them
  • Read a Christmas story
  • Have a Christmas music dance party
    (click here for Spotify playlist)
  • Make some Christmas decorations out of paper, or draw a Christmas picture
  • Make a nature garland out of seasonal items (depending if you are in the Northern hemisphere, or Southern hemisphere)
  • Sing Christmas carols
  • Call your Grandparents and ask them how they are
  • Watch a Christmas movie
  • Make silly Christmas videos and send to family
  • Write Christmas cards to send
  • Have a picnic dinner or dessert
  • Make Christmas cookies to share or gift
  • Sit in a ‘compliment circle’ with your family – each saying 3 nice thing about each other (nice compliments are a treasured gift!)
  • Make Christmas treats for your teacher
  • Watch home movies from the past year
  • Roll beeswax candles for the Christmas table
    (click to shop our Rolled Candle Kit)

Beeswax Candle Rolling Kit New Zealand

  • Make hot chocolate for dessert
  • Learn about the Christmas story; of Jesus’s birth
  • Put up the Christmas tree
  • Put up Christmas lights
  • Make a Christmas voucher to do some thing nice for a friend or family member
  • Wrap Christmas presents
  • Make or decorate a Christmas day menu
  • Make some paper decorations and gift them to the local retirement village
  • Setup a Christmas advent nature table
  • Setup a nativity scene
  • Make paper stars for your windows
  • Make an advent ring and light a candle each night
  • Make some handmade gift wrap
  • Make one handmade ornament, collecting them over the years.
  • Make a folded Paper Star Lantern
  • Weave stars or flowers out of Harakeke or paper
    (Click here + learn how to make them, with our Harakeke nature journal)

What is Matariki?


I think that’s plenty to choose from, take your pick!


To download and print these advent calendar activities:




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